Privacy Policy

Information about the processing of personal data


According to the European Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (hereafter “GDPR”) adapted to Italy through the Legislative Decree no. n.101 of 10/08/2018, the present informative has the purpose to describe the way to treat personal data of users / visitors / customers of FONDERIE BELLI sr.l., hereinafter “FONDERIE BELLI”, and of its website,


The data controller is the legal person who establishes the purposes and methods of data processing of the concerned subject.

The Data Controller is:


Registered office: Strada Teverina, 56 – 01100 Viterbo (VT), Italy

PEC:   Email:

Tel: +39 0761 251426 / +39 0761 253702

The Data Protection Officer (DPO) is the person in charge of assisting the data controller in the correct process of data processing of the concerned subjects.

It is possible to contact him, for observations and requests, at the following addresses:


c.a. Data Protection Officer (DPO) – Strada Teverina, 56 – 01100 Viterbo (VT), Italy

email: Tel: +39 0761251426


In order to receive information on the goods sold from FONDERIE BELLI, it is necessary to process personal data of users, collected directly through the dedicated filled forms or through the direct e-mails, telephone and fax transmissions.

Type of processed data.

The processed data are necessary for the identification and contact of the customer (such as Name, Surname, Email address).

Purpose of the processing data and legal basis

A.Data processing for sales purposes

The obtained data will be used for the collection of information about the interested party to bring him to the knowledge of the conditions and terms necessary to complete its purchase for a product sold by FONDERIE BELLI.

Legal basis of the processing: for the sale process the legal basis for data processing is the need to get in touch with the potential customer or supplier, in order to proceed with the creation of a sale contract or the execution of pre-contractual measures.

For these purposes the provision of data is mandatory. In case of missing or incomplete data communication, it will not be possible to fulfill the customer’s requests.

B.Data processing for commercial and marketing purposes

The acquired data may also be used for communications made by e-mail (also with automated systems) relating to:

  • updates on the products for which you requested to receive information;
  • updates on the activity of FONDERIE BELLI;
  • mailing of periodic newsletter;
  • sending commercial offers relating to products traded by FONDERIE BELLI.

Legal basis of data processing: for commercial and marketing purposes the basis is the authorization of the customer.

This consent is optional. If denied, it will not prejudice in any way the purchase of goods, but the subject will not be updated about recent offers and other information useful for new purchases.

The interested party, even after giving consent, can oppose at any time to the data processing, directly from a special link sent by email or by writing to the address


In relation to the aforementioned purposes, the processing of your personal data takes place through manual and telematic tools with logic strictly related to the same purposes, in order to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data.

The archiving of the documentation is carried out both electronically and in paper archives.

The data will never be transmitted or sold to third parties outside the purposes specified here.

Example: we will not sell data of our customers to databases of third parties that could send them spam or other commercial communications.

The same procedures will be applied, for the pursuit of the same purposes, by the collaborators and service providers of FONDERIE BELLI.

Specific security measures are observed to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access. The same standard is demanded by the collaborators and suppliers of FONDERIE BELLI services.


The data will be conserved only for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which the same data were collected and, in any case, in compliance with the current regulations in force.

The timing required for storage are of two types:

A. if the subject has purchased a good supplied by FONDERIE BELLI: the data will be kept for the time required by the regulations in force concerning the sale of movable property.

Example: compliance with the times required by law for the conservation of invoices

B. if the user has not become a client of FONDERIE BELLI: if the contact with the subject has not led to the purchase and he has not consented to the sending of informative material and newsletters, his data such as Name, Surname and E-Mail will be kept for a period of 24 months, in order to register the successful contact with FONDERIE BELLI. Additional personal data that the subject provided will become anonymous and will be used for statistical purposes.

C. if the subject has subscribed to FONDERIE BELLI newsletter: if the subject has requested the registration, his data will be kept and processed for as long as he / she remains enrolled. After his request for cancellation of registration, his data will be conserved for a period of 24 months.


The provided personal data are treated by employees, collaborators, suppliers and other authorized personnel according to the directives and indications of the data controller, FONDERIE BELLI.

In particular, some data may be communicated to some of the following subjects:

  • Customer Care office, Commercial office, Marketing office, Accountancy;
  • external consultants (eg: accountant, lawyer, etc.), who act on specific instructions which are provided for the purposes and methods of the processing;
  • public or private correspondence services (eg Poste Italiane, Bartolini, ext..);
  • IT services providers such as: server, cloud, e-mail, certified e-mail;

Other IT services necessary for the purposes and set out in this statement are provided by companies located in the United States, whose relations with the European Union on the protection of personal data are governed by the Privacy Shield which guarantees the same protection as data as expected from the European Regulation.

Some of the services used are, as an example, the following:

  • cloud, chat, email provided by Google, which is owned by the main company Alphabet Inc. (terms, conditions and privacy policy available here);
  • newsletter, provided by MailChimp (terms, conditions and privacy policy available here);
  • website CMS, provided by WordPress (terms, conditions and privacy policy available here);

FONDERIE BELLI Holder may use additional specialized external companies. These companies will be chosen in accordance to their professionalism and in compliance with the regulations of data protection. If these suppliers do not reside in the territory of the European Union and an agreement is not in force between the EU and the country in which they are based on, it will be ascertained that they guarantee the same GDPR standards through BCR (Binding Corporate Rules) or contractual agreements.

These services providers will act according to the owner directives to protect the interested party data. These figures will play the function of “in charge” of their processing data or, where the law permits it, they will operate as separate processing “data controllers”. The consent, if requested, therefore concerns also the activity of these figures.

The figure personal data will be used only with procedures that are strictly necessary to carry out the above mentioned activities and will not be communicated to third parties apart from the indicated purposes.

Further information could be requested to FONDERIE BELLI data controller. The updated list of data processors can be found at FONDERIE BELLI headquarter, subject to the direction and coordination of Mr. Roberto Belli.


The interested parties have the rights to:

  • know who the data controllers are;
  • access their data and know what data FONDERIE BELLI own;
  • request the data cancellation, modification, correction, updating;
  • request the limitation of treatment and to oppose it;
  • deny consent (eg for the newsletter or commercial communications) without the foreclosing of further existing relations;
  • ask for the right to be forgotten;
  • request the portability of data where technically possible.

If the interested parties feel that their rights have been disregarded, they also have the right to:

The requests will be evaluated and an answer will be received in the necessary time and, in any case, no later than 30 days. If it is not possible to provide a timely reply within 30 days, a communication will be reiceved explaining the reasons of delay and the new deadline for receiving the requested response.

Any acceptance or refusal of the request will be motivated, in any case.

The Requests can be sent to the following contacts:


Registered office: Strada Teverina, 56 – 01100 Viterbo (VT), Italy

PEC:   Email:

Tel: +39 0761 251426 / +39 0761 253702